Renters Insurance in and around Frederick
Renters of Frederick, State Farm can cover you
Rent wisely with insurance from State Farm

Would you like to create a personalized renters quote?
Insure What You Own While You Lease A Home
No matter what you're considering as you rent a home - number of bathrooms, utilities, internet access, house or apartment - getting the right insurance can be valuable in the event of the unexpected.
Renters of Frederick, State Farm can cover you
Rent wisely with insurance from State Farm

Why Renters In Frederick Choose State Farm
The unpredictable happens. Unfortunately, the valuables in your rented property, such as a bed, a tablet and a microwave, aren't immune to smoke damage or accident. Your good neighbor, agent Danielle Leonard, can help you evaluate your risks and find the right insurance options to protect your belongings from the unexpected.
Renters of Frederick, State Farm is here for all your insurance needs. Visit agent Danielle Leonard's office to learn more about choosing the right coverage options for your rented property.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Danielle at (301) 695-5244 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
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Danielle Leonard
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
How to be a good neighbor
How to be a good neighbor
What's OK to share — and what might lead to neighbor disagreements? Read on for ideas to avoid property line disputes, build bonds and maintain community.
House shopping: Rent vs. buy?
House shopping: Rent vs. buy?
There are many factors to consider when deciding to rent vs buy a home. Learn which option may be best for you in this infographic.